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As Promised Lustral Volume 2 is now complete and Live (just in time for Christmas!)


By very popular request, following the success of Lustral Vol.1. I continued on with the amazing PolyBrute 12, creating Vol.2 which features another 96 Custom patches, Leads, Basses, Classic Polys, Arps, Sequences and.....Binaural!! yes Binaural! it is not s feature that was highly advertised by Arturia, (if advertised at all), but yes indeed the PolyBrute 6 and 12 can do 100% Binaural patches!


I will follow up in the coming days with a youtube tutorial on exactly how to get the binaural sounds from your synth!


Full vide demos will recorded over the next couple of days!


Demo Video 1 of 2





Some Pre Sales Demos


SM Serendipity Arp

SM Bowed Strings

SM Bladerunner

SM Generative Pulses

SM Uplifting Arp

SM Divine Split

Arturia PolyBrute 6/12 - Lustral Vol.2


    Please ensure you are selecting the correct pack prior to purchase. Due to the digital nature of our products, refunds or swaps cannot be offered.

    Individual installation instructions for each synth are contained in each pack, I am always here to assist if required.

    Please ensure you are selecting the correct pack prior to purchase. Due to the digital nature of our products no refunds can be offered.

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